Friday, June 17, 2011


Today we went down to the beach and got on some wave runners...

...and road them to a boat.

Then, we got into this contraption on the back of the boat...

...and went Parasailing!

At its highest point, the rope is 650 feet long and the Parasail is 350 feet above the water.

Carson loved it!

And so did Andan!

But as for me...I'm a frayed knot! I'm an Eagle Scout and I know knots. This is not the knot I would have chosen for this!! But even more troubling was the fraying that seemed to be taking place. I've seen plenty of broken nylon ropes and I imagine that this is probably what they look like just before they break! I figured the guys running this operation probably tied this knot a few years ago and haven't thought about it since! My mind began calculating the chances of us surviving a 350 feet fall into the ocean. It wasn't quite so scary when I was in the boat and the others were up in the sky! Then I remembered that there was a parachute attached to the back of us. That should break our fall! As long as we didn't fall out of it. Since we weren't buckled in at all, I realized that I better hold the boys and the bar. Then I realized it...what has happened to me? I was acting just like Kathy! know what I did next? I grabbed the bar even tighter and thought "She would be so proud if she could see me now!"

I couldn't be happier to get my feet on solid ground and go to dinner!

The Nachos Grande were unlike any I had seen before. That Mole sauce is pretty popular here. It's pretty yummy. I don't know about you...but I like it a lot! This photo looked better when it was served…but before I could even get the camera turned on, the family was already digging in. We were pretty hungry after our adventure at the ocean today.

Carson loved his spaghetti. It was really yummy!

Kathy went with the usual...chiminichanga.

I tried the burrito...and it was...OK. Secretly, I was hoping Carson wouldn't eat all of his spaghetti! :)

I think Mexico is rubbing off on us!

We've been here for a while hair is really starting to get long! :)

The kids enjoyed making funny faces.

The restaurant was decorated nicely. It was a classy place...but we couldn't quite figure out the skeleton Santa over-head. It was a little creepy.

After dinner, we went outside and listened to this live band play some salsa music. There were several different drummers...

And they were all great! :) The kids from the school arrived today. We'll probably see our two oldest, Danny & Brennah, a lot less because they will want to hang out with their friends from school.


  1. What GREAT pictures. I can tell you guys are having a great time. Parasailing looks fun, but not for me that little knot and that little rope, my luck it would pop and I really would be sailing all the way to the water. LOL Enjoy yourselves. Rob

  2. Poor Dan and Kathy. I have a feeling Kathy isn't fond of boats and Dan, you don't care for heights do you? Other than a few minor cons, this looks like one great, memory making vacation. Have fun.
