Wintertime is the Perfect Time for a SOUP PARTY
We're in what social scientists call the "BLAHS" part of the year--the holidays and all its hoopla is over, the weather (in most parts of the country) is not the greatest (down right nasty where we are), and we're dealing with cabin fever (if you're a gardener, you know what I mean).
So you know what we need to do? We need to capitalize on this situation--let's have a party! And since it's wintertime, let's do soups! Doesn't a soup potluck sound fun? I'm going to call my favorite neighbors and divvy up soup assignments, breads/rolls, and desserts. I'll provide a nice tossed salad.
So if you like this idea, make those calls, set the table, and let's party! In the meantime, do you have a favorite soup recipe you could share? I'd love to know what YOU are cooking. Can't have too many good recipes--and that's the beauty of the Cook'n software, we know what to do with 'em now! (Which, by the way, seems to me like a terrific use of this BLAH time we're in--I'm going to enter some more recipes in my program!) And 'til we chat again, happy cook'n!
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