Thursday, January 7, 2010

A New Twist on a POPULAR Theme!

Remember Kathy's December demonstration of her to-die-for "Cake Balls" ? I've discovered another variation--a new twist on a POPULAR theme, so to speak. Rather than baking a cake and mixing up some frosting, and then smooshing that all together (for the "ball" that is then dipped in chocolate), do this instead:

Grind an entire package of Oreos with an 8 oz. package of cream cheese. Blend well. Form your balls and dip in dipping chocolates, just as directed for the Cake Balls. Life is good, isn't it?

On another note: Are you like the rest of us here at DVO? We're setting New Year's goals. One of mine is to be more thoughtful and demonstrate more appreciation to others. With that idea in mind, I found a great book that I read over vacation. It's a quick and easy read with some practical suggestions that I'm already putting into practice. For instance:

Author Mike Robbins suggests we make a list of 5 or so people that are in our lives right now, that have impacted us in positive ways, and then within the next 72 hours we acknowledge them with either a note, a phone call, a personal visit, or... He suggests that as part of our "Thank you", we specify how they've impacted our life. I love this idea--wouldn't you agree that just about everyone needs more appreciation? And how cool is it to actually DO something about this need? What a lovely year we could all have if we demonstrated more appreciation to each other!

So that's it for today. Let me know what's on your mind (and in your ovens too!) And lastly, I hope you're enjoying the Cook'n products as much as we enjoy creating them for you!

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